Areas of Focus

hair analysis

We always begin with a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). HTMA is a non-invasive tissue biopsy that measures the levels of 21 minerals with an accuracy of +/- 3%. The mineral disposition in your hair tissue reflects your vitality and assesses and predicts the physical and psychological state of your body.

See an example test result.


The dietary recommendations are based on the findings in your hair analysis. For everyone, a large base of cooked vegetables is recommended. Additionally, your body requires specific amounts and types of protein, healthy fats, and, for some, limited grains. Specific types and amounts of drinking water are also recommended. The diet is the most important part of the program.


Supplements are given to balance the ratios indicated by your hair test. Food today simply does not provide the nutrition we need, making supplementation necessary for everyone. Shotgun supplementing based on symptoms is often inaccurate and expensive, and can negatively influence your health. We give as few supplements as possible with an emphasis on safety, cost, and efficacy.


Your daily habits including sleep, relaxation, mental attitudes, and sun exposure all impact your wellness and affect the rate at which your body can heal. We coach you through simple changes that can make a huge difference in your progress.


There are a few procedures at home that greatly enhance the body's ability to eliminate toxins, both biological and chemical. These include near infrared light sauna therapy, colon cleansing, and skin brushing. Our clients report that they come to enjoy both the procedures and the results. 


After 3-5 months, we recommend retesting your hair for an updated program. As you continue on the program different mineral imbalances will be revealed. An up-to-date program will ensure you are targeting your current imbalances and giving your body what it needs to continue to move forward.

Nutritional balancing is ...

a sophisticated, integrated system for healing the body at a very deep level.  It uses principles from both ancient and modern healing arts to drastically increase the vitality level of the body.

Nutritional balancing is not a remedy science, and does not involve the diagnosis of diseases.  In this way, it differs markedly from modern allopathic medicine, naturopathy, homeopathy, herbalism, and almost all nutritional therapies.  Remedies are simply not needed, in almost all cases, if one balances the body properly.

Diagnosis of diseases is not needed, either, in almost all cases. By re-nourishing and balancing the body chemistry properly, most diseases and symptoms simply vanish. When the whole body system becomes balanced and strengthened at deep levels, most diseases disappear on their own without a need to know about them and without a need to name them.

Nutritional Balancing is for...

anyone who wishes to improve their health. People who have experienced the following health concerns have benefited from nutritional balancing:

  • Renal or Kidney Disorders

  • Metabolic Disorders

  • Infections

  • Postural/Structural/Mechanical Issues

  • Problems with Sensory Organs

  • Pain

  • ...and more...

  • Digestive

  • Endocrine

  • Sexual and Reproductive

  • Dental

  • Cardiovascular

  • Respiratory Conditions

  • Nervous System

Nutritional balancing science...

was developed by mineral researcher Dr. Paul C. Eck and Dr. David Watts in the 1970s as a way to safely realign mineral ratios in the body to improve energy and vitality.

Drs. Eck and Watts drew upon the work of many innovative doctors and scientists of the twentieth century, including Hans Selye, MD (stress theory of disease), Melvin Page, DDS (autonomic nervous system balancing), and George Watson, PhD (oxidation types).  They synthesized a new system of healing specifically for the needs of the 21st century. 

Using information from the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and a deep understanding of minerals and their relationships to one another, nutritional balancing suggests corrective dietary and supplementation programs to move minerals in the body towards optimal status, improving energy and reducing stress without the toxic side effects of prescription medication or invasive medical procedures. It is deeply respectful of the body’s innate intelligence and ability to heal itself given the right materials.

Find out more about R^3's services.